What is your name and current title with the University of Montevallo?
Dr. Tiffany R. Wang, professor of communication studies and basic course coordinator. Director of Progression to Profession QEP.
Where are you from and what city do you currently reside in?
I was born in Vancouver, Canada, raised in the Dallas/Fort Worth, Texas, area and currently reside in Helena, Alabama.
If you hold any degrees, what are they in and from what schools?
B.S. in communication studies at Texas Christian University, M.S. in communication studies at Texas Christian University and Ph.D. in communication studies at University of Nebraska–Lincoln.
How long have you worked here?
I’ve worked here for more than 11 years. I started working here in August 2012.
Did you hold any previous positions here? If so, what are they?
Assistant professor of communication studies and associate professor of communication studies.
What brought you to Montevallo?
As I was working on completing my doctoral degree, I was looking for a tenure track faculty position at a university that valued undergraduate teaching and mentoring. When I met Dr. Sherry Ford and Dr. Sally Bennett Hardig at a job fair in New Orleans, I knew that Montevallo would be that kind of university. When I came to campus for my interview, Montevallo reminded me of some of my favorite aspects of my undergraduate experience: engaged students, intelligent faculty and a beautiful campus.
What’s the best thing about working for Montevallo?
The best thing about working for Montevallo is the interpersonal relationships you can build with the students, faculty and staff who are part of our community.
Do you have any interesting stories about one of your favorite experiences here?
One of my favorite experiences here is Founders’ Day, which takes place on the second Thursday of October. I love being able to celebrate our seniors who don their graduation robes for the first time. Yes, I am that faculty member who insists on the seniors and faculty members getting a group picture every year. I also enjoy hearing speeches from faculty and staff members who have won campus awards. In 2020, I was disappointed that we would not be having an in-person Founders’ Day due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Although my colleague Dr. Ray Ozley and I were able to prerecord our Founders’ Day speeches for the virtual ceremony that year, it was going to be lonely streaming the ceremony from my apartment. When I shared my disappointment with my colleague Dr. Sherry Ford, she organized a COMS program Zoom watch party where we could celebrate Founders’ Day together. My parents, grandma, and dog London as well as COMS seniors, faculty, friends, and family members were able to attend our watch party. Although this was an unconventional Founders’ Day and we took a screen capture rather than a picture to commemorate that Founders’ Day, it remains my favorite one.
What’s your proudest accomplishment since being at UM?
My proudest accomplishment since being at UM was being selected by the SGA Executive Cabinet, Senior class and student body for the Elite Night dedication in 2020.
Why do you belong at Montevallo?
I belong at Montevallo because I enjoy helping build a welcoming community that supports students during their time at UM and prepares them for graduation and a successful and enriching life after graduation.
Anything else you want to say?
I’m proud to be part of a program that empowers students to build strong interpersonal relationships, share their story with others, advocate for causes they believe in and succeed in school, work and life! I value the friendships I have made with colleagues on campus and the mentoring relationships I have developed with students and alumni during my time here. I can’t wait to see what’s next for Montevallo!